Our Goal

Unifying our Nation

Our Goal

Our purpose is to change the entire governance structure of the country. We believe that politics does nothing to help the people or better the country and our goal is to set up a structure of governance that does exactly that.

We will find the best people to lead and not govern this country. They will be chosen because they have an understanding of how to work with our people and how to make the country profitable in such a way as to benefit even the poorest individual. This understanding will come from their experience in managing and leading multi national corporations. Manpower needed from the second tier down will also come from highly skilled individuals, and nepotism will not exist. The directorship and management structure employed by the people to run the country will be sober minded and will take their responsibilities seriously, unlike the clowns we have in power at present.

Making South Africa great together.

Our Goal

The action we intend taking once we have removed these political structures are:

  • We will remove income tax and only levy tax on goods and services. Reduce taxation greatly on fuel.
  • Compete globally for manufacturing and assembly, while building this sector of our economy ourselves. International companies will be forced to either manufacture or assemble here.
  • Incentives and training for unskilled workers to find employment and the creation of country wide skills learning centres.
  • A tougher approach to crime and illegal immigrants with jobs for South Africans first.
  • BBEEE to be replaced with a shared ownership scheme, where workers are incentivised to perform.
  • Investment in agriculture and sustainable farming methods, while giving both established and small-scale farming assistance.
  • Renewable energy to receive huge investment and less dependency on fossil fuels.
  • Corruption at all levels to be addressed in court with all those who benefitted from the corrupt governance to be brought to justice and stripped of illegal gains.
  • The dissolving of parliament and all government positions while maintaining municipalities but removing corrupt officials and bringing them to justice.
  • Medics and teachers to receive international rates of pay.
  • Increase the police force with better wages and a harder line on police corruption.
  • Creating a safe haven for South Africans who have left the country, to return to.
  • Massive investment in building the country: new dams, canals, the railway and manufacturing facilities.
  • Assisting informal settlers to move back into rural areas by creating jobs through decentralising manufacture and building large-scale agricultural initiatives.
  • Small businesses to be rescued and invested in heavily.
  • Ridding ourselves of debt while returning to the gold standard.
  • A bottom-up structure where the people make the decisions and the leaders action them. A need is identified by the leaders and voted on by the people.
  • Moving away from Roman Dutch law and integrating a system of common law.
  • The Identity system that classifies people as property who are owned by the state will be dissolved and all people to become free citizens who live within a structure of reasonable law as decided by the people.
  • No Citizen will be manipulated or abused at the expense of the country, the people come first and profitability second.
  • Freedom of all religions and belief systems. Freedom of gender identification.   No freedom to take life, be it an embryo or an adult, if it has a heart beat it’s alive.
  • The tender system to be revised, with a reasonable quotation system and all costings to be on a reasonable profit basis in line with the industry norms.
  • Minimum wage and unions to be reviewed and in some cases replaced.
  • The country to be managed as a profitable entity.
  • All state owned entities to be privatised.
  • Imports to be greatly curbed, especially from China.
  • The creation of healthy competition and monopolies to be governed.
  • We will create a massive community based micro school system that will immediately create thousands of jobs. This system will teach Grades R to 12, Technical skills, Business skills and Agricultural skills in different schools for each discipline.
  • Creating jobs by building infrastructure and manufacturing and getting more money moving within the country and the system.
  • Ensuring that everyone finally comes off state benefits by putting every person into gainful employment.