Our Structure

Governance by the people


Uniting all South Africans

The focus of the leaders is profitability, if they are incompetent, they are replaced immediately. If they show good returns, they stay as long as they continue showing growth. There is no term of office.


The country will have a similar structure to that of a business, with the primary difference being that the people will be put above profitability or corporate greed.


The country will be led by a Chief Executive Officer instead of a president who will answer to a board of directors, who in turn answer to the people. No decision is made without the people being given an opportunity to vote on it.


The focus of the leaders is profitability, if they are shown to be incompetent or waste money, they are replaced. If they do a good job, they stay for as long as it continues or they are able. There is no term of office.

The People

The public are able to vote on a finger print recognition app on all decisions being taken. The public become shareholders in the enterprise and can earn dividends for their investment in it


We will launch construction projects to get money circulating within the system. Personal taxation will eventually disappear, taxes will only be only levied on goods and services.


Education, medical and basic legal support will be free. Housing and some basic food items will be regulated. Educating our larger population to the highest levels possible for free will be our focus.


Investing heavily in agriculture and renewable power sources. Areas of the country that are dry will be used for solar and hydroponic projects.

Job Opportunities

Jobs and industry will be created to get more people working, who in turn buy goods and perpetuate the cycle.

Our Foundation

We are building the foundation that will be the governance structure for this country, and all South Africans will eventually need to register on it.

Making South Africa Great Together

We do not want to sell our country out to a foreign power, so we need to finance this ourselves. There is a lot that needs to be done and it all needs money. This includes taking our position as the most viable governance system for South Africa, and physically going into townships, rural areas, every town and suburb and the rest of the country to get everyone on board. If you are able, please consider supporting this change financially, using the back a buddy link below.

By joining us you agree to act in unity with all citizens of our country, and that you will do what you can when called upon to do something to heal and change this country.